
Top 10 PlantPodz™ Hydroponic Fruits & Vegetables and their Health Benefits

PlantPodz™ Hydroponics is a method of growing plants, in water, without soil. Minerals and nutrients are added to the water at optimum levels so the plants can devote its energy into producing fruits and vegetables and results in a larger yield.

Using PlantPodz™ hydroponics you can grow just about anything. Here is a  top ten list of fruits & vegetables to grow with Instant Hydroponics PlantPodz™:


Herbs are a very popular choice and require little care and can produce an abundant crop. Not only do PlantPodz™ herbs provide taste and fragrance but they have a wide variety of health uses. Research shows basil helps reduce inflammation and swelling. Basil is high in antioxidants and helps protect against free radicals that cause aging.


Vining plants such as PlantPodz™ tomatoes are ideal for indoor gardens as they require a small amount of ground space and you’ll have room to train them up to the ceiling. Being able to watch and control the nutrients the plant received enables the grower to enjoy a continuous harvest all year long without sacrificing taste. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A, C and folic acid. They contain strong antioxidants that help protect against the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.


Lettuce is a top choice for PlantPodz™ hydroponic gardeners as it requires little space, little attention and you can harvest leaves as it grows. You’ll get your first harvest in a matter of weeks when you can enjoy the rewards of your first crispy crop. Lettuce is a very low calorie veg that contains phyto-nutrients that possess health promoting and disease preventing properties. Rich in vitamins A, C and K and contains minerals such as iron, calcium magnesium and potassium which are essential for body metabolism.


Water loving fruits make a good choice for your PlantPodz™ hydroponic garden. Given enough space and support cucumbers will grow abundantly. Cucumbers are rich in micro-elements iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc. They also contain vitamins B, C and folic acid. These elements make cucumbers effective at cleaning the body from cholesterol, slowing down the process of ageing and regulating metabolism.

Spring onions

Spring onions are, in fact, very young onions harvested before the bulb gets gets to swell and grow. PlantPodz™ can sprout dozens of onions and be harvested every 3 or 4 weeks! The antioxidants in spring onions help in preventing damage to DNA and cellular tissue by inhibiting the action of free radicals. Spring onions are loaded with vitamins C and K which are both essential for healthy bones. Spring onions natural properties are most commonly used to treat viral infections such as flu and colds. They also contain vitamins B and A.


Peppers will grow in very similar conditions to tomatoes, however raising night time temperatures and decreasing daytime temperatures improves fruit production after plants reach their mature height. PlantPodz™ Peppers not only add flavour and spice to your food but are low in calories and high in vitamins and nutrients. Full of vitamins A and C and a great source of fibre, folic acid and potassium give them great health and disease fighting properties.


Just like lettuce other leafy vegetables like spinach grow well in PlantPodz™ hydroponic systems. Spinach is fast growing and prolific if you keep it harvested. Spinach is an incredibly healthy green leafy vegetable well known for its antioxidant properties. It provides protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, K, E, magnesium, folic acid, copper, zinc and many more making one of the healthiest green leafed vegetables going. It protects the heart, lowers cholesterol, helps with digestion, reduces ageing and provides a rich source of iron.


Strawberries thrive in wet conditions and grow well in PlantPodz™ hydroponic conditions. Providing bigger fruits than in soil and can provide harvest all year round. Strawberries are high in antioxidants and vitamin c which are well known immunity boosters. They also aid in lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure.


Blueberries require high acidic soil conditions and therefore grow better in PlantPodz™ hydroponic conditions. Controlling the ph content and nutrients are much easier and will make for a much bigger, healthier crop. Blueberries are well known for being high in antioxidants that protect the brain and nervous system. They are ranked one of the highest fruits for providing antioxidants and vitamins needed for a healthy body.


Coriander is a great herb to grow that only takes around 4 weeks and can produce 2-3 harvests. It requires no special requirements and while plenty of light will give you the heaviest harvest. PlantPodz™ Coriander has multiple health benefits. It contains vitamin c, vitamin k and protein and is a source of magnesium, iron and fibre. It is know to help with skin inflammation, high cholesterol, mouth ulcers, digestion and many other ailments.

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